Life has a way of pulling us along, making us think this is it, this is just how things are. We fall into routines, get comfortable (even if we’re unhappy), and convince ourselves that this is our path. And then, out of nowhere – BAM – we’re knocked sideways, thrown in a completely different direction. It’s terrifying. It’s painful. But deep down, something inside whispers: This is for your highest and greatest good.
For those of us who have battled depression and anxiety, that whisper can feel impossible to hear. When we’re stuck in the darkness, it’s hard to believe there’s any light left. It’s easy to feel like we’ve lost ourselves, like we’re drowning in the weight of our own thoughts. But I promise you, it’s there. Even if you can’t see it right now, the light is always there.
Sometimes, our biggest fear is change. We get into a rut, stuck in the same patterns, and before we know it, years have passed. The spark we once had fades, and we forget what it feels like to truly live instead of just exist. I know this feeling well. Healing has been the hardest thing I’ve ever done, and truthfully, I’m still healing. But what I do know is this: I refuse to stay stagnant. I am moving forward, embracing a new direction, and leaving behind what no longer serves me.
And you can, too.
You don’t have to do it alone. Meditation and somatic breathing can help you reconnect with yourself. When we take the time to slow down, to listen to our body, we begin to realize that we do have the strength to change. We do have the ability to heal. It won’t be easy, it takes work, commitment, and a willingness to face the pain we’ve buried for so long. But the other side of that healing? That’s where we rediscover who we truly are.
If deep down, you know this isn’t it, that there’s more to life, you’re absolutely right. There is more. And with the right support, a listening ear, and a shift in perspective, you can find your way back to yourself. You are not broken. You are not beyond repair. You are strong, even if you don’t feel it yet.
Never give up. Accept what has happened, but don’t let it define you. Keep moving forward, little by little, and I promise, you will see the light again.
You are not alone.
With love and healing,
Kathy x